Aix 6 Jumpstart For Unix Professionals Pdf To Word

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If you need to reset your password,. Having a problem logging in? Please visit to clear all LQ-related cookies. Introduction to Linux - A Hands on Guide This guide was created as an overview of the Linux Operating System, geared toward new users as an exploration tour and getting started guide, with exercises at the end of each chapter. For more advanced trainees it can be a desktop reference, and a collection of the base knowledge needed to proceed with system and network administration. This book contains many real life examples derived from the author's experience as a Linux system and network administrator, trainer and consultant. They hope these examples will help you to get a better understanding of the Linux system and that you feel encouraged to try out things on your own.

To receive this Complete Guide absolutely free. Trey, AIX runs on a different architecture of machines (mainly if not exclusively IBM). While in the user-sense it is much the same as you've seen in slackware (i have not used slackware, but I assume it is vaguely similar to RH/SUSE/KNOPPIX/DEBIAN/MANDRAKE), administration is quite different. Quick n easy web builder serial. I recommend that you google 'AIX v5.2 guides' to ascertain the differences between a linux variant and the aix type. I think you will be well suited to administer an aix machine if you have a solid working knowledge of linux administration, however their is a learning curve (frustration curve) that many experienced aix'ers still face (myself for one!).

Go here for some AIX 4.3.3 guides and note this os will be yanked off of support at the end of 2004. Trey, I’m a fairly long-term Slack user who recently became an AIX admin. I’ve used many Linux distros over the years and have come to prefer Slack to all others for many reasons. One of the things I like most about Slack is the “flat” startup scripts.

While I understand the usefulness of SYS-5 style init with sym-links, etcI don’t need it nor do I prefer it. I prefer Slack’s BSD leanings in this direction. I think you’ll find that many of the things you like about Slack apply to AIX as well. For example, to control which services run at startup, you edit three flat files: /etc/inittab /etc/inetd.conf /etc/rc.tcpip Seem familiar? You can also use the AIX Toolbox for Linux to install many of your favorite GNU utilities so you’ll feel right at home (e.g., I’m using bash as my shell on AIX).

Newer versions of AIX (5.x) even install some of the popular Linux tools (gzip, bzip2) by default in /opt/freeware. Note that they’re often in RPM format, but if you use the ones from the toolbox CD I can pretty much guarantee that they’ll work correctly.

You can compile from source if you like, but the RPMs work fine. See the section below on installing software. Do understand, though, that AIX is a different animal, for better or worse. You will need to spend some time learning the many AIX-specific commands. You have a good start with general.NIX commands, but AIX has many, many proprietary commands. These proprietary commands are also the ones that you’ll need to administer the system (e.g., to install software, allocate storage, etc). You’ll need to read up on various things such as the Logical Volume Manager (LVM) and the ODM configuration database.

This will take some time, but you’ll soon find that many things that are difficult in Linux are somewhat easier in AIX. I’d recommend reading the IBM certification Redbooks for AIX pSeries System Administration and AIX pSeries System Support. They can be downloaded for free (in pdf form) from: Also see: This is an excellent portal with many useful AIX links. One final word of advice is that although you get used to doing things “by hand” in Slackware, you need to quickly get over any aversion you may have to using configuration utilities. AIX uses something called SMIT (or SMITTY in a terminal). While I like editing text files to see how things really work, there are some tasks that you’ll find that you really need to use SMITTY for. For example, installing software without using SMIT means that you’re going to have to learn the AIX-specific installp command, and also frequently use it with about 10 switches.

In SMIT, it’s cake. And with one stroke of the tab key, you can do a “preview” install to see if some code is going to work before you install it. I’m enjoying learning AIX, and I think that coming from Slack you will too. Hope this was helpful. I'll throw my two cents in on this topic, as an admin for Linux and AIX. As abyss mentioned there are somethings that are much easier to do in AIX than in Linux.

For instance I wrote a script recently that collects hardware information from several AIX servers. In AIX there is a command, lspv, that will list all of the phyiscal volues (hard drives, vpaths, etc.) on a machine and various other attributes of them. A quick for loop and I had all the info about each disk. I did a similar thing on Linux. Not so easy.on Linux, or as robust. Linux is, unfortunately, limited on what disks it can see. Especially if you have a RAID controller and are mirroring a drive at that level.

So what is reported by sfdisk is limited by what the RAID controller will let it see. Also, SMIT(TY) is a great tool for administration, but I hardly use it execpt for creating file systems and installing software. There are so many command line tools that make administration easy in AIX, many more than I know about for Linux. However, there is the learning curve. It took me a solid 6 months to really feel like I wasn't going to blow things up. But I also came from a Windoze background.

With a good knowledge of another type of.NIX you should do fine, frustrated, but fine. Ask all the questions you want here. I'll help when I can. I’ll throw in two more cents (ok, well about 20 bucks here). If anyone disagrees, please speak up.

I can take it. I’m not asking for flames, but I’m also going place my true opinions on the table here. First off, looseCannon is exactly right about SMIT(TY). There are a few very specific things like installing software and allocating storage that you’ll use SMIT(TY) for, and for those things it’s great. In most other cases it will slow you down once you know the AIX-specific commands.

Another thing you’ll want to pay attention to is what are called “fast paths”. These call SMIT(TY) but bring you right to where you need to go. For example, if you know you’re going to use SMII(TY) for something related to disks (which I recommend) just type: smit(ty) storage This takes you right to the SMIT(TY) screen that you need. Quick, simple, logical.

To address the love/hate comment I’d say it’s more love than hate. I’ll digress for a minute. I started using.NIX systems by way of Solaris in college in the early ‘90s.

PINE email, irc, MUDs, ntalk, etc.(pine was/is still a GREAT mail program!) That was what was available to students and I became a very effective end user. Then during the late ‘90s I was in grad school at another university with no.NIX shell accounts for students. I got rusty but finally picked back up with Linux in ’99. For several years I’ve been very enamored with Linux and was (like so many people) predicting the quick demise of commercial UNIX. I’ve set up many Linux servers for various tasks at work (BIND, Apache, etc) and they’re working like a charm. I wondered why anyone would still be pursuing commercial UNIX with the current pace of Linux development.

Then I got AIX administration added to my list of duties and took over all duties for our newest pSeries server. I went to IBM’s training (AIX 5L Jumpstart for Unix professionals) and passed the pSeries System Administration cert. After reading the redbooks, sitting through 4 days of class, and using the systems, I can say that I’m truly impressed. For large, complex systems Linux still has quite a way to go.

For application servers and any other task where you need a quick and dirty one-trick pony box, I’d use nothing but Linux (Slackware by choice). If I had to run Linux on our pSeries server, however, to say that my job would be harder is an understatement. There are many things that you can do in AIX (many of them dynamically, with no reboots or downtime) that you wouldn’t dream of doing in real time on a production Linux server. This is mostly due to the magic of IBM’s LVM (logical volume manager).

This is your friend. Get to know the LVM well. Every few days you’ll be reading the redbook and go “You can do that?” There is also an enormous amount of fault tolerance and redundancy built into AIX. It’s very stable and there are lots of things built right in to keep it that way.

In addition (as looseCannon mentioned), the amount of control you have over hardware is amazing. Literally anything you want to know about any hardware in the machine is right at your fingertips. And you can see and manage hardware at a very fine level. I guess what I’m saying, in a nutshell, is that I have a serious amount of newfound respect for AIX and definitely love it more than hate it. Once you stop being frustrated that it’s not Linux and that a tiny fraction of things are harder in AIX, you’ll soon see that a large majority of things are in, in fact, easier.


Note that I still love Linux for many things and am in no way trying to knock it (I use Slack every day and love it) I’m simply saying that there is still something to be said for commercial UNIX on big iron. For those people who fall into the Open-Source camp and look for the optimal solution to a problem, I can say that AIX provides many good solutions to problems. If you fall more into the Free Software camp and view proprietary software as a social problem, just ignore everything that I’ve said.

These types of arguments don’t work for you anyway, right? I tend to be a “use whatever works best person.” Your mileage may vary. To anyone who is wondering about AIX, all I can say is: Try it. You’ll like it.

To ellaborate on some of what abyss mentioned, here's a little story of recent experiences. I have two productional servers and two test servers. All of which needed their harddrives upgraded. No sweat, easy to do in place - with AIX. While all servers were still in use (users running around doing their thing on them, various application servers serving up web pages, etc.), we swapped out the disks WITHOUT anyone noticing. Here's the basic process: break the mirror put in the new disk run cfgmgr expand the volume group migrate one disk to the new one (with migratepv) reduce the volume removing the old disk remove the disk from the odm with rmdev repeat for the next disk.

4 servers migrated without a hiccup. Took a couple of hours but no one noticed. Don't even want to imagine how you would start that on Linux.

Quote: Originally posted by witeshark Such interesting reading. What is the system requirements for AIX and what is its main use/application? System requirements are an IBM RS/6000 or pSeries server (all proprietary hardware). The latest version needs 128MB RAM and a couple of GB of disk space. As for what they are used for - almost anything except low-end desktop.

CAD/CAM, webservers, database servers, fileservers, ERP, scientific computing, supercomputers etc. If an application runs on UNIX, it probably has an AIX version. The largest database on AIX that I have a hand in managing is 5.5TB (Oracle), for example.

The 'L' in the IBM name: AIX 5L Means 'Linux Affinity'. The goal is to provide API's so that all that is needed to shift from one platform to another is to recompile.

Well, there may be some other things to consider, but IBM has done a very good job in this area. About a year ago, I worked on Suse Linux all day, without thinking about it at all. Something didn't quite make sense to me.

So I used 'od' to dump a file in hex. Still looked strange and then I remembered. This is a Little Endian machine! What's the point? It's you skills that will be preserved in this environment.

AIX has a dynamically extensible kernel, which allows it to look like BSD, Sys-V, Linux. Depending on your point of view and familiarity with any of those boxes. Another point: the biggest Unix system today are AIX systems.

32 cpu's now, 64 cpu's soon. So, if you need to build an application with a huge database and quite a lot of users on a single machine, you have no choice, you have to choose an AIX machine. And if you are not confident about failure risks, just buy two, connect both to the disks and the network and put HA/CMP, and in case of failure of the first system the second one takes the whole thing on the original disks, with the original nodename and IP address.

When compared to most other flavors of commercial UNIX'es, AIX is a little bit dated as it derives from an earlier version of the SVID but nonetheless it is a solid OS. If you are familiar with HP-UX's LVM then you will be familiar with that of AIX because HP-UX's LVM is derived from the AIX version. I never get too hung up on which UNIX flavors an applicant has worked with because all UNIX'es are at least 98% the same - the differences lie in the specialized administration tools and techniques.

For example, SMIT is the equivalent to HP-UX's SAM. They both do very similar things. I always focus on an applicant's approach to problem solving and how good are his analytical skills. In any event, if you are a competent admin in a given flavor of UNIX, you should have no trouble adapting to another flavor in a few weeks on the job. Noreen, I consider AIX 'The Bizarro UNIX'. I'm not sure if you get the reference or not. For me, it's like pulling teeth anytime I have to look at an AIX box.

There just are things there that they have to do different. (No offense to the previous 2 posts.) I have spent too much time fighting SMIT to care to work on it much. (It could just be the fact that I don't work on it much, don't get me wrong here.) Having said that, we only have 2 going on 1 AIX machines, 75 HPUX machines, 12 Solaris, and I have lost could how many Linux. I find Linux and Solaris much closer to HPUX than AIX, and prefer to stay where I am comfortable. I'd put the percentage as to the similarily between AIX and the (Solaris/HPUX/Linux) UNIXes a little lower than Clay does, maybe 90% or less, but it's that 10% that can kill you sometimes.

I recently likened working on AIX to sticking a powder blue crayon up my nose, but I'm not sure if you will get that reference either. Maybe what I'm saying is, if you are planning to specialize over there, go right ahead. If you are planning to dabble once in a while just for fun, I would pass. Others might have a different opionon than I do. It's been some years since I used AIX (version 4.1.4, perhaps?), but my impression was mixed.

For the system adminstrator, it seemed to be very different from every other UNIX with which I was dealing at the time (HP-UX 10.x, SunOS 4.x, SunOS 5.x). This was good and bad. Bad, because 'different' required extra thought for every action. Good, because it felt as if the folks at IBM had sat down with a UNIX spec and implemented as much of the infrastructure as they could as if they were making a serious, industrial-strength operating system - one, for example, with zillions of uniquely numbered errors, instead of a few dozen errno values for every error in every program in the world. This often made tracking down problems about as easy as on VMS (which is a big step up from any more normal UNIX). Because the sysadmin commands were almost all different from those on other systems, I had to rely on SMIT to do things which I could do with commands on the other systems. (I really do miss the SMIT dude.

The triumphant biceps display after a successful command, and the fall-on-face display after a failure were a constant source of amusement, but I'm easily entertained.) In general, it worked well. Porting software to AIX usually required some extra work because of AIX peculiarities, but nothing horrible in the stuff I was doing. Noreen, AIX is pretty good and as many have indicated on their responses LVM is the same as what in HPUX. Having worked for some time on AIX, i could definetly say that it is 1. The diagnostic tools that come with it are pretty good 3.

Its system management tool (smitty) is easy to use 4. Some diagnostic utilities like 'diag' are very good I would definelty rate it as amongst the best if not the best. In terms of career experience.Industry terms.if your question is directed at the compensation aspects.then that really depends on the supply demand situation in the geographical location that you stay:) regards Mobeen. Hi Noreen, my feeling towards AIX are very much the same as John expressed them so vividly. I always feel a bit coerced into using their SMIT admin tools for so common tasks like volume and filesystem extension or user management that I would execute on all other flavours of Unix that we host simply within a few command line invocations at the shell, or by editing a config file here and there.

I admit that such an attitude of system administration nowadays in an ever complexity rising envirenment may be quite anachronistic. Also do I little or not at all care about an operating system's or application's potential for careeristic exploitability. Yet another luxurious attitude one cannot afford these days, and which explains my career deadlock I suppose. Hi Merrick, as a i have used both HP and AIX (note that I put HP at first:) ), I found AIX as most simple and effective because of SMITTY. The drivers, software installation, sys admin tasks are more similar to HP-UX.

In terms of LVM, HP always prefers to use command line whereas IBM prefers SMITTY. AIX comes with lots of inbuilt tools like perfmon etc. For me one draw back with AIX is their ODM which is like registry in Windows but defitely 100 times better than MS. All the best regards sathish. I'll spent my two cent here, as I still admin a few aix 5.3 boxes. AIX is very much different AIX is REALLY weird. AIX does UGLY things to your brain.

AIX has two modes, one extremely safe mode (using smit or highlevel commands) that wraps up every single command to ensure no one is able to mess up, and one that is 'quite' normal, but You HAVE to know what you're doing, to much more extent than on other unix systems (I highly recommending AIX LVM & Troubleshooting II prior to touching an AIX box). AIX is the most robust UNIX I know. Last year we decomissioned a few systems of various ages. After working with the author of scrub (extremely reliable diskworking software) to fix a few glitches in the AIX port I wiped about 10 systems' root disks. I got into big trouble as I expected the boxes to die sometime after the disks, and found they were still up and running two weeks later on.

They sure noticed invalid disks headers, etc. But were up and accessible, which means I could actually have recovered them in that state w/o a reboot. AIX has a very good pricing, You get partitioning, fine grain resource control, a resource manager and disk mirroring all in the base OS. AIX has robust clustering, too AIX 5.2 and above have mature multipathing support, I personally consider far more reliable than i.e. EMC^2 PowerPath. AIX is a PITA for 3rd party software, the linker is a mess, the compiler is a mess, and their OSS bundles are an insult (i.e. They deliver lots of software as linux-ppc rpms that will run in binary emu - what point is there left buying a fast power5 cpu if you waste all that on emulating a 32bit ppc.linux.

Aix 6 Jumpstart For Unix Professionals Pdf To Word Download

host?) AIX is a PITA for things like DCE, OVO and more, too AIX is incredibly ugly AIX has an structured (almost POSIX draft compliant) error log that is even MORE ugly AIX is a SysV kernel with BSD runlevel(not) environment, thus no singleuser mode! AIX won't be able to boot if / is full as it needs to regen /dev on boot AIX boxes have.unbearable. boot times AIX (and rs6k systems) have a number for every error and 3 800-page manuals listing error codes for things like 'invalid boot device'.

Thus you can let IBM CEs have an heart attack by controlling the systems lcd panel to display '888' Last, and this is the only thing in the whole You can't come by by knowledge/experience, and the thing really forbidding to run AIX for anything production grade: You have to deal with IBM's totally ignorant, incompentent support lines. There is no way you can trust any data to that. Florian (as the only person trying to make bacula and netbsd pkgsrc work on AIX I'll even state it wasn't two cent but an euro).


Let me add that using smit. either means you came back from a six-week vacation or you simply never found out about the right commands, but this is some of the magic of aix - while on hp-ux using sam can be risky (i.e. Network config on multihomed systems), smit keeps you from messing up. Using the command line lowlevel commands (not installp, mklv, but the ones called by these) is possible and offers extremely valuable flexibility, it's even safe for the structuredness of those, but it requires you to think like someone working for ibm.

That is not good. Five out of five ibm customer engineers i had onsite ran their nose into the turning glass access lock that leads into the datacenter. No kidding, and You don't want to like that.there's even websmit, which offers a sexy java gui.

Clay said, often it's more important to have a good candidate than an experienced one. Most common issues.

We have had very little issues, mostly mainteanandce taks; replacements of disks, cache batteries and power supplies. We had to open calls for little stuff, i.e. Coredumping daemons and such, and our biggest issue EVER was ibm's custom firmware for a gigabit ethernet adapter. We had to turn off tcp offloading, because it was a slight bit too standards-compliant, sudden loss of connectivity if a host the same network connected; the net was a class C with /23 masking. IBM really loves to mess with every possible bit of firmware that can be messed with, and if I could give only one advice it would be: always know which firmware is on your box, on your service processor, on your disks, adapters and everything within visible range, and also know which is the most current f/w, and which is needed.

Now head over to news://comp.unix.aix and ask for other people's most common issues. Bit late of a reply, but if you can find smit/smitty, you can get essentially anything that you'd do out of the command-line (including the actual command) from it. I've worked with AIX off and on over the past decade, and as others have mentioned, it's a little off some of the more common Unix flavors, and a little more cumbersome in some areas to deal with; however, the TCL scripts written by IBM for system administration are not at fault for this. I rarely go into smitty for some of the things listed in this thread, and here's why: If you can get into a tty session, launch smitty, you can find out very quickly instead of going through smitty to create the logical volume (as someone mentioned earlier), use the esc-6 (or F6) sequence after you have your parameters filled in, and it'll give you the exact command-line it will use to create the lv (mklv is the script name). Once you have that you can script out logical volume creation, or find any other command-line equivalent to smitty for volume group creation (mkvg), off-lining volume groups (varyoffvg), etc, just by poking a bit around in smitty.

It is extremely robust, and much as I once previously hated to admit it, the IBM implementation is rather elegant. Additionally, the IBM online documentation now is extremely good, especially now that the Redbooks are now publically available free-of-charge in PDF format. The p5 system's have some questions to be answered to see if its a good fit in an environment (hardware boot times are slow, but setup a LPAR and OS reloads take around 5 minutes rather than 30 or worse), but any competent sys admin solid with another flavor of Unix can navigate AIX successfully. I have worked with AIX for years and love it. I was trained on Solaris as well, and find it to be much more awkward to use.

People have mentioned the boot time: Once the hardware has booted one time, you don't have to do it again(unless you had a firmware update, or part replacement perhaps), you just shutdown and reboot the OS, which is almost instantaneous. There is no 'hardware boot' to wait through. You can have multiple instances of AIX running on 1 physical system. You could have prod and dev in seperate partitions on the same piece of hardware, allowing for exact hardware concurrency. Smit is cool, if you want to use it, but there is no need to use it. After you have used the commands, they become second nature, just as they have on whatever flavor of UNIX you currently use.

Aix 6 Jumpstart For Unix Professionals Pdf To Wordpress

AIX 5.3 has a virtual lan built in for use on p5 and above equipmnet. You can pass packets on the backplane at a much higher rate than through PCI. Between web and app server, or app and db. AIX has a nice tool for keeping track of all the microcode on the system, called Inventory Scout. You run the tool, it compares what's on your system to the latest out, and gives you a report of the deltas. I have worked with AIX for years and love it.

I was trained on Solaris as well, and find it to be much more awkward to use. People have mentioned the boot time: Once the hardware has booted one time, you don't have to do it again(unless you had a firmware update, or part replacement perhaps), you just shutdown and reboot the OS, which is almost instantaneous.

There is no 'hardware boot' to wait through. You can have multiple instances of AIX running on 1 physical system. You could have prod and dev in seperate partitions on the same piece of hardware, allowing for exact hardware concurrency. Smit is cool, if you want to use it, but there is no need to use it.

Aix 6 Jumpstart For Unix Professionals Pdf To Word Converter

After you have used the commands, they become second nature, just as they have on whatever flavor of UNIX you currently use. AIX 5.3 has a virtual lan built in for use on p5 and above equipmentt. You can pass packets on the backplane at a much higher rate than through PCI. Between web and app server, or app and db. AIX has a nice tool for keeping track of all the microcode on the system, called Inventory Scout. You run the tool, it compares what's on your system to the latest out, and gives you a report of the deltas.