Bagpipe Abc Files Lotro Deeds

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Preface Here are a number of hints, tricks and bits of advice to help the brand new player find his feet. Most of these are specific to Lord of the Rings Online, but I also cover the very basics of grouping in an MMO. Many new LotRO players will probably be familiar with the material under the heading “The Basics of Grouping”, but even so, you may find the rest of this article helpful. This is by no means a comprehensive list of anything; it is merely a handful of advice which I believe will benefit the newcomer. Keyboard Shortcuts Alt+ F4 is a Windows shortcut which closes the current window.

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Bagpipe Abc Files Lotro Virtues For A Hunter. Home Improvement. Electricians were originally people who demonstrated or studied the principles of electricity, often electrostatic generators of. Songs of A Rock and A Hard Place. Contribute to Greonyral/lotro-songs development by creating an account on GitHub.

Do not believe anyone who tells you that alt f4 is the command for anything in the game, pressing alt F4 will instantly force-close your game client. Don’t be the poor sod who falls for this one. The personal torch, however, is activated by pressing alt + F10.

It doesn’t work in all areas, but in the places where it does work it is very useful. The personal torch surrounds your character with an aura of light which makes things easier to see. It is only visible to you and not to other players.

F12 will toggle off all of the game’s user interface, which is nice for sightseeing and for taking screenshots. To toggle it back on, simply press F12 again.

F11 will take a screenshot, Screenshots are by default saved to “My Documents” in a folder titled “The Lord of the Rings Online”. F9 will target the nearest player character other than yourself. F10 will target the nearest NPC, be it a live monster, a dead monster, a vendor, a quest-giver, a Captain’s banner, a Loremaster’s pet, etc. Tab or Backspace will target the nearest attackable (that is, living) monster. U will “use” the targeted item; this can be used to loot corpses, speak with an NPC, pick up quest items, etc. F1 will target your character as will the backslash key ( ).

F2, F3, F4, F5 and F6 will target the other members of your fellowship. CTRL + O opens the options pannel, where any number of settings can be changed. Gameplay and Settings Hints Pets can be renamed Loremasters, Captains and Runekeepers all have pets which can be named.

To name your pet, simply target it and type /pet rename Name. The Pet’s name will instantly be changed to Name. Loremasters, you can also name your pet by right clicking the pet itself or by right clicking it’s vitals (by the way, you might think it’s witty to name your raven Poe or Nevermore, but it really is old hat. Sometimes I feel that if I see one more raven named Poe or Nevermore I will simply scream. If you must name your raven after Poe’s works, try and make it something a tad less pervasive, like Ligeia or Eleanora). Captains, your herald can be named by right clicking the herald or its vitals; your banner can be named by right clicking it’s “vitals” (really just a white box displaying the banner’s name), the banner will be difficult to select by clicking, so it’s probably best to use F10. Runekeepers, your Rune of Restoration can be renamed by right clicking its vitals; right clicking the stone itself results in an error message.

Pet names follow the same rules as character names (spaces and characters other than the 26 letters of English alphabet are not supported, profanity isn’t allowed, and names already existing in Tolkien’s novel will be summarily rejected), except that more than one pet in the game can have the same name and that any capitals letters used in the name will be retained. A Raven named BobTheRaven will display as BobTheRaven, but if you try that name for a character it will be reduced to Bobtheraven. The profanity filter can be disabled Lord of the Rings online had a built-in profanity filter will automatically changes dirty words to a string of nonsense characters. However, profanity filters aren’t infallible and will filter out words like cockpit; it also filters out milder swear words, such as damn. And then there are the people would rather not be left wondering just what Offensive Bob is saying about their mothers.

I believe that most people prefer not to have a profanity filter in place, but turbine has the filter toggled on as a default (better safe than sorry, right?). So to turn it off. In the options panel find the button marked “Chat”, one of the toggles here is labelled “Profanity filter enabled”. Uncheck this box and viola, no more random nonsense characters. Remember that the profanity filter only filters incoming chat, not outgoing. If you have it toggled on and type the word “cockpit”, other players who have it turned off will indeed see what you typed. Also, toggling the filter off does not exempt you from the TOS.

If you’re being offensive you can get yourself banned, filter or no. All skirmishes and some classic instances can be scaled to different levels When you open the instance join panel and select an instance, you will see several lines of information at the top of the panel. One of these is level. The instance will default to your level, but you can select the number and type whatever level you please, as long as it’s within the listed level range for that instance.

Bagpipe Abc Files Lotro Deeds

If you are in a group and wish to run an instance at a different level than your own, there is no need to hand leadership to another player of a different level, simply type a different number in the box. The Basics of Grouping A fellowship in LotRO is composed of six people, not five.

If you are running content marked as “Fellowship”, this means that it was designed for six players. I suppose other games have five-player groups and many people have gotten it into their heads that “group = 5”, but in LotRO, if you have five and you’re about to start a quest, you need a sixth. That said, “small fellowship” means three players. If you set a skirmish as small fellowship, you will not be able to bring a fourth person into it.

Healers are important; they heal you so you stay alive. Almost without exception, every single fellowship quest will require that one of the number be a healer. Minstrels are healers, as are Runekeepers (Runekeepers can either heal or deal damage, but not both at once; make sure your Runekeeper is aware of what he should be doing). Captains and Loremasters both have some small healing skills, but neither are actually healers and should not be called names for being bad at healing if the group failed to bring a healer. Tanks are as important as healers. “Tanking” means making the monsters hit you instead of the rest of the group. Guardians and Wardens are tanks, some Champions can also tank (but always ask your Champion if he’s comfortable tanking).

The tank holds aggro so that the others in the group are free to do their jobs. A group with no tank will have monsters running wild and hitting whoever, and this is a recipe for unhappy players and a failed quest. Aggro is a bit difficult to define, and it can be a verb or noun. I’ll explain it by example.

Enkidu here is a Guardian, so he has skills which encourage or force monsters to hit him; we call these “aggro skills”. If a monster is targeting Enkidu, we say that Enkidu “has aggro”. When monsters continue to target and hit Enkidu instead of running off to kill the healer, we say that Enkidu is “keeping (or holding) aggro”.

If Hunter Gilgamesh deals a great deal of damage before Enkidu gets a chance to walk up to the monsters, the monsters might hit Gilgamesh and give Enkidu a hell of a time “pulling aggro” off of Gilgamesh; in this case we could say that Gilgamesh has more aggro than Enkidu. As for its use as a verb, monsters are said to aggro when they run to someone and begin attacking, and players are said to aggro monsters when they cause them to attack. Please don’t be Gilgamesh.

Let the tank aggro the monsters first. What is Haudh Iarchith?

Haudh Iarchith, or (more accurately) the Breeland rep dungeons, is a series of ten small level 20 dungeons throughout the Barrow Downs. These dungeons contain a number or regular slayer deeds, an additional boss-killing deed and the items, mobs and bosses for the Bree reputation quests available from the NPCs at the Hunting Lodge in Breetown.

They also contain scholar nodes for both tier 2 and tier 3, and the mobs will drop scholar mats for both these tiers (and occasionally tier 5 mats will drop.), making Haudh Iarchith invaluable to scholars.the tier 5 mats may be the result of a bug caused when the dungeons were de-level’d from 50 to 20, so take advantage of it while it lasts. A Bit of History. There used to be a great big level 50 dungeon called Haudh Iarchith and known as the Breeland rep dungeon (singular). The door to this dungeon was in the Southern Barrow Downs somewhat near the entrance to the Great Barrow. With the launch of Free-to-play in September of 2010, Turbine made a number of changes to the game, and one of these changes was to de-level Haudh Iarchith down to 20, break it into ten much smaller dungeons and scatter the entrances all over the Barrow Downs. These rather vast and recent changes have caused some confusion, it can be difficult to find accurate and current information on the Breeland rep dungeons.

The term Haudh Iarchith properly refers now to only one of the ten smaller dungeons, but is still used occasionally (both by players and in in-game text) to refer to all of the Breeland rep dungeons collectively. The deed log entry for the deed “Executioner of the Wicked” lists all the bosses as being “in the barrow of Haudh Iarchith”, but in actuality these bosses are spread throughout the various little dungeons and only one boss is actually in the dungeon called “Haudh Iarchith”. This guide is intended to provide a useful overview of how the rep dungeons looks now, without any confusion from how it might have looked in the past. Southern Barrow Downs Here is a map of the Southern Barrow Downs, with the locations of the rep dungeons marked.

F is Haudh Nogbenn. G is Haudh Iarchith. H is The Tomb of Maenadar. I is Goetham. J is Gwantham In all the following maps, the player cursor is located at the door of the dungeon. F – Haudh Nogbenn See the section on for a full description. G – Haudh Iarchith Haudh Iarchith contains the boss Fergandir (a Gaunt Man) and also contains the following ordinary mobs for deeds or quests:.

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Barrow Wardens. Howling Barrow-hounds. Barrow Spirits. Noxious Barrow-wardens. Barrow Candles.

Gaunt Plague-bearers The location of Fergandir is marked with a red X. H – The Tomb of Maenadar The Tomb of Maenadar contains no boss, but has the following mobs for deeds and quests:. Barrow Wardens,. Barrow Bats. Howling Barrow-hounds.

Creeping Hands. Barrow Candles (in part 2 only). one Gaunt Plague-bearer (in part 2) The Tomb is in two parts. When you enter through the door marked H on the landscape map, you will be in the first part of of the Tomb. Travel through this tomb and you will find another door called “Tomb of Maenadar” (marked with a red X on the map below).

Proceed through this door and you will find yourself in the second part of the Tomb. Going back through the door you came in lands you outside the dungeon on the barrow downs and not in the first part of the Tomb where you just came from. This can be rather disconcerting, but it seems to be working as intended.

I – Goetham Goetham contains the boss Faegfaer (a shade) and the following mobs:. Barrow Spirits.

Noxious Barrow-wardens. Gaunt Plague-bearers Faegfaer’s location is marked with a red X. J – Gwantham Gwantham has the following mobs:. Barrow Wardens. Barrow Bats. Barrow Candles. Howling Barrow-hounds Gwantham does not contain a boss.

Northern Barrow Downs The map of the Northern Barrow Downs, with the locations of the rep dungeons marked. A is The Barrow of Taradan. B is The Barrow of Ringdor. C is Haudh Methernil. D is Haudh Taenthond.

E is Hautham. F is Haudh Nogbenn On all of the following maps, the player cursor is located at the door of the dungeon. A – The Barrow of Taradan The Barrow of Taradan contains the boss Gwigon, two Ancient Pillars for such and such a quest and the following regular mobs:. Barrow-spiders.

Creeping Hands. Rotting Barrow-wights Gwigon’s location is marked with an X, and the Ancient Pillars’ with Ys. B – The Barrow of Ringdor The Barrow of Ringdor is one of the larger barrows. It contains the boss Umnen (a darkwater who, unlike the other barrow bosses, drops a ruby shard), three Ancient Pillars and the Watcher’s Workshop (clicking this will open your crafting panel, as if it is a crafting facility, but it isn’t.

I remember it being a location associated with one of the epic quests, but I can’t for the life of me remember which one, and google is being particularly unhelpful). The Barrow of Ringdor contains the following regular mobs:. Putrid Darkwaters. Decaying Barrow-wights.

one Kergrim Barrow-prowler Umnen is marked with a Y, the Watcher’s Workshop with a Z, and the Ancient Pillars with Xs. C – Haudh Methernil Haudh Methernil is home to the boss Marrow and one lonely little Ancient Pillar.

It also contains a number of Kergrim Barrow-prowlers and one Decaying Barrow-wight. Marrow’s location is marked with a Y, the Ancient Pillar’s with an X. D – Haudh Taenthond Haudh Taenthond contains three Ancient Pillars and the following mobs:. Creeping Hands.

Rotting Barrow-wights. Barrow-spiders Haudh Taenthond does not contains a boss; the locations of the Ancient Pillars are marked with Xs below. E – Hautham Hautham houses neither a boss nor any Ancient Pillars. It is overrun with the following mobs:. Barrow-spiders. Rotting Barrow-wights.

Barrow Candles. Creeping Hands F – Haudh Nogbenn Haudh Nogbenn contains the boss Brishzel (a bargest) and the following baddies:. Barrow Wardens. Barrow Bats. Howling Barrow-hounds Brishzel paces between the two rooms in the dungeon, his path is marked in red. Note: Minstrels were changed extensively with the Isengard update in Fall 2011. This post is now obsolete, and remains here for posterity’s sake.

This article is in response to Turbine’s. Turbine has been coming out with these 101’s lately, and they’re supposed to be helpful tips and pointers for absolutely brand new players who’re bumbling their ways through the first ten levels. Up until now, that is what they have been. The guardian guide has said “this is what aggro is”, the hunter guide has said “trap things so you can shoot them more” and the champion guide has said “AOE is your friend”. Minstrel 101, however, is a little different. Minstrel 101 says “Warspeech is great!” Now, Warspeech is great, don’t get me wrong. I love Warspeech, and soloing would be terribly boring without it.

But telling brand new players to just toggle on warspeech the moment they hit level ten, and then saying “Make sure to re-toggle War-speech when logging back into LOTRO or after reviving!” just sits wrong with me. Minstrels are healers, that is their primary purpose in life. Warspeech cuts your heals in half. When you’re soloing it’s great to be able to kill stuff that much faster and not have to heal yourself, but if you try to group with Warspeech turned on, people will laugh at your shoddy healing as they scream and die. As a general practice, drop Warspeech when you join a group. If you’re soloing and things get tight, go ahead and drop Warspeech as a last-ditch measure to stay alive.

The 50% reduction in heals lasts for ten seconds after you drop Warspeech, but if you time things right you can drop it, DPS for another ten seconds and then heal yourself and not have to die. At level 12 you’ll get another skill, Cry of the Valar, which sends enemies running away from you for 15 seconds. Once you have Cry of the Valar, you can use it to chase something off, drop Warspeech, wait out the ten seconds, heal yourself full up and wait for the monster to come back to you and meet its death.

Many of your damaging skills (Piercing Cry and your Ballads) can be used while you move, so you can also try running around in circles and damaging a monster while it chases after you trying to get a hit in edgewise. This is known as kiting, and is something minstrels should be familiar with. At root, Minstrels are healers.

Warspeech is a wonderful skill which makes their lives easier, but minstrels should never forget that they are healers. And that concludes Minstrel 102. The Grand Stair (GS) is a level 56 Moria instance. It contains six bosses (three of which are killed for hard mode), the level 60 class quest for hunters, several quests which can be picked up at the Orc-watch, a handful of deeds and a challenge quest (completing which is known as “hard mode”) granted automatically upon entering the instance. This guide focuses on the challenge quest. This is not The Only Acceptable Way to Run GS, nor is it Nifty GS Tricks for Level 65s. There are alternate strategies and there are other ways to go about things, but this is How To Run GS and Not Look Like You Don’t Know What You’re Doing.

This is the most common strategy, it’s how a successful GS pug will normally do things, and it’s what to expect if you’ve never ran GS before. This was originally posted on my Livejournal. There aren’t many good skirmish soldier cosmetic guides around, so I decided to make my own for the elf-maiden. I apologise for the varying sizes and qualities of the pictures, skirmish soldiers don’t do well with a simple order such as “stand there and look at the camera”. You can be standing there and bump a key, turning your character about 45 degrees, and the skirmish soldier will take it as an excuse to run in a full circle, run through a vault-keeper, over a table, into and then around a wagon, in another full circle and then end up standing just inches from where she was (or behind a pillar on the opposite of the area, making a picture of her impossible). It would seem that the reason there aren’t many guides out there is because the screenshots are so hard to get. I did, however, manage to get all the hair colours in the same light; it took some doing.

To begin with, here she is with nothing but the “elf-maiden” soldier race slotted, this is the default appearance. Note that the default comes with white hair and the “long hair, middle part” hairstyle rendering it kind of pointless to buy the white hair and “long hair, middle part” traits. The dress, however, is a purple version of the robe, it’s exclusive to the default and is not a buyable trait. Next, Hair colours: There are four colours, White, Red, Blonde and Black. And the hair styles: Four styles, two short and two long. Short hair, side part Short hair, bangs Long hair, side part Long hair, middle part And now the clothes: There are ten different outfits Dresses: Matron’s Dress Maiden’s Dress Robes: Red Robe Green Robe Surcoats: Man-Surcoat Hobbit-Surcoat Elven Surcoat Guard Outfits: Scale Guard Outfit Leather Guard outfit Chain Guard Outfit. NOTE: This guide is outdated.

Crossbreeding pipeweed has been removed from the game. The pictures of the smoke effects and the tiers of the various pipeweeds are still accurate, and I have updated the lines on how to obtain the various seeds, but the complexity and intricacy of crossbreeding is a thing of the past. NEWER NOTE: They’ve gone and “updated” the smoke effects, thus rendering this guide completely outdated. Why do I even bother?

(April 2011) How pipeweed works nowadays buy pipeweed seeds plant fields hope for a special seed plant special seed don’t bother hoping for another special seed, it’s too rare run out of seeds rage at the heavens spam kinchat with an angry rant about the new farming system roll around in the stash of Rushlight seeds that are actually vendor trash now but which you will never ever vendor because it took you a lot of work to end up with a stack of Rushlight seeds That said, to the guide (and the pretty pictures)! (Originally posted on the ) I have, surprisingly, a tremendous store of patience. I also have a predilection for things awesome, random, and pointless. One day I was looking through the farmer recipes and I saw all the different pipe-weed recipes and decided to take the time to fully understand the system and to work out what comes from what, what does what, etc.

Bagpipe Abc Files Lotro Deeds List

I was about to buy all the recipes and start farming pipeweed with Alivion (who has farming maxxed) and then I decided that the system would be much clearer if I figured it out as I went; so I took Iranon (who is a scholar and had never farmed once yet in his brief existence) and parked him in the Shire with a good supply of cash, patience and determination and I started grinding that farming. To find Rushlight, Sweet Lobelia and Hornblower seeds I had to send my hunter running around Breeland and had to prevail on a few kinmates, since those are rare drops and cannot be bought at the vendors (the auction hall was particularly unhelpful most times). As I went I kept track of everything, and so here follows everything Iranon knows about growing pipe-weed, which is probably everything there is to know about growing pipe-weed (I think it’s written in character, I blame Iranon).

Varieties of Pipeweed; their uses and making By Iranon Ofaira; SM Farmer, lvl 27 Minstrel, Accomplished pipeweed smoker and grower Introduction Pipe-weed it utterly pointless, and, as with most other utterly pointless things in Middle Earth, is absolutely awesome and immensely enjoyable. Farming pipeweed requires much dedication and much time spent in a boring, brown field, but if the farmer dedicates enough attention and care to his farming, he is assured a lifetime of delightful smoke effects and link-fodder. When considered from the point of view of the farmer, there are three general types of pipeweed recipes; automatically granted recipes which use seeds which must be bought from a novice or expert farmhand, purchased recipes which use boughten’d seeds and special purchased recipes which use rare seeds. The first two types are self-evident, like any other farming recipe the farmer buys the materials, goes to a field, and sets to work farming.

The final type is much more interesting. It can be divided into two subsections, regular fields and cross-breed fields. The recipies for both of these are purchased from a farmhand, but the seeds are rare drops. I have had the best luck finding them in chests in Breeland. For some of the recipies (e.g. Rushlight or Hornblower) one simply plants and harvests the rare seeds. For the crossbreed fields two sorts of seeds must be combined, the first time a farmer grows a field of Tighfield Choice he must use rare Rushlight seeds which he has found in addition to Longbottom seeds available from the vendor.

When using a crossbreed recipe, the harvest will randomly yield crops corresponding to the two combined seeds and the crossbreed attempted. For example, when planting a crossbreed muddy foot field, you may harvest Muddyfoot, Sweet Lobelia or Longbottom seeds and crops. A critted field is more likely to yield crops of the crossbreed and a non-critted field is more likely to yield crops of the components. Listed below are the various types of pipeweed and the required components required to plant them, with illustrations of each.

I used to think I was tech savvy, and I do know a good bit about music, but not in the sheet music sense with notes. I can read guitar tabs but that's about it.

So, when using Anvil Studio to edit midi files, I get a little confused. I can already use the program to remove entire parts/instruments from a midi, or change the instrument type, or things of that nature. What I want to be able to do, is remove portions of songs, either in the beginning, middle, or at the end. All too often do I find beautiful songs that would be perfect, except at the end it tries to start all over with the whole song only to be cut short and end abruptly. I'd like to be able to 'fix' songs like that. I'd also like to be able to change certain notes, if they are too high and out of range for the instruments in LOTRO. I realize that I might be asking for a lot, but after googling possible answers I found nothing of help.

Well, in any case, I'll be hard at work trying to figure this out on my own, but I'll be checking back for any advice all the while! Cheers, -Duidhrastir. I s'pose I'm probly th' closest thing we got to a Anvil Expert (all that time spent hammerin out ingots fer jewelry, y' know) so I'll try t' answer ye in ways I hope'll be comprehensible. Anvil Studio's got a pretty steep learnin curve, an ye're right, there don't seem t' be a good manual anywhere. Took me probly 5 or 6 months o' trial an error t' get reas'nably comfterble with it. There ARE instructions in th' blue portion o' th' window under th' tools, but they ain't always clear.

SO anyways, t' shorten (truncate) a tune, place yer cursor at th' spot where y' want it t' end (or start, in case ye'd like t' delete th' annoyin tempo drumbeats that so many midis seem t' think is necessary) an then go t' File Truncate Song, which gives ye two options, an then a box t' decide if ye're countin measures, quarter notes, eighth notes or MIDI ticks. It's pretty self-explanatory once ye've found th' Truncate Song thing. T' change a note's pitch, there's sev'ral ways: first off, y' can place yer cursor on th' note (th' cross shape gets little arrows on its ends) an then L-click an drag it up an down th' staff.

Best t' be zoomed in a bit t' do this, as it's easy t' drag farther than y' wanted to. Y' can also place th' cursor just t' th' left o' th' note an use th' up an down arrow keys t' move it, but it will only use staff intervals—can't move a half step this way if it's a whole step on th' staff.

Also, if it's a note in a chord, this method moves th' entire chord. Third thing y' can do is R-click on th' note an choose Properties, which opens a box with all th' MIDI parameters o' that particular note, an y' can change th' pitch from a drop down menu. If y' get th' hankerin t' ADD a note or two, make sure that th' Insert Mode box is unchecked (bottom of th' tools panel, near th' left edge) or else every note y' put in pushes th' rest o' th' tune t' th' right. Lots more I could tell ye, but it'll be simpler if I just try t' answer questions y' may come up with, rather than give a full out tutorial here. Daffin, I now need to thank you from the bottom of my heart! Truncate, that is going to be a good thing to use, and I will now toy with it for many hours until I get a firm grip on how to use it properly. The changing of notes also doesn't sound too complicated, but rather that I will need to tinker with it extensively before I know what I am doing, as I really am not good with knowing notes.

Bagpipe Abc Files Lotro Deeds Download

The thing is, sometimes, not always. Maestro can use a -12 or +12 transpose of notes to make something sound good.

Sometimes, only a few notes are out of range, in which case it makes more sense to change the offending notes instead of transposing that entire track. Again, thank you very much Daffin. What you've just told me is surely going to be a big help! If Indeed I run into any obstacles I will ask you for assistance:). Aye, a sustained string o' some sort—fiddles or violas or somethin—would truly be a boon t' them as makes th' abc files, but it ain't goin t' happen.

Partly b'cause it'd require entirely new animation, which I suspect th' scaled down staff don't have th' time fer, an partly b'cause over th' past 2 or 3 years, th' Music System's gone thru a bunch o' revisions, additions an tweaks, an they're just not goin t' go back an revisit it again. I make do with usin Flutes fer most violin parts, where it's a string SECTION that I'm tryin t' emulate, an Bagpipes fer most fiddle replacements in jigs or th' like. An sometimes a pibgorn, especially in a larger piece where there's lots o' different string parts an I'm tryin t' add a different color t' some line so it don't blend in with all th' other strings.